Zo noem ik mijn posts. Ik schrijf ze vooral als een notitie voor mezelf. Om mijn gedachten te ordenen en helderheid te krijgen.
De meeste gaan over beleggen, triathlon of veganistisch eten. Deze posts zijn een manier om mijn zoektocht door het leven vast te leggen. Het is een soort van online dagboek van wat er in mijn gedachten rondgaat.
Ik schrijf verschillende posts. Sommige zijn wat langer en hebben meer diepgang om je een inkijkje te geven in mijn gedachtegang. Anderen zijn meer een soort braindump van wat me bezig houdt.
Laatste post

Stocks On Watch for the Week of 21 June 2021
In the end of last week both the S&P500 and the Russell 2000 both fell below it's 50-MA which is off course a sign of a weaker market. The overall market trend is under pressure and caution in taking new trades is advised. Don't try to be aggressive and better be...
Stocks On Watch for the Week of 21 June 2021
In the end of last week both the S&P500 and the Russell 2000 both fell below it's 50-MA which is off course a sign of a weaker market. The overall market trend is under pressure and caution in taking new trades is advised. Don't try to be aggressive and better be...
Laatste post

Stocks On Watch for the Week of 21 June 2021
In the end of last week both the S&P500 and the Russell 2000 both fell below it's 50-MA which is off course a sign of a weaker market. The overall market trend is under pressure and caution in taking new trades is advised. Don't try to be aggressive and better be...
Stocks On Watch for the Week of 21 June 2021
In the end of last week both the S&P500 and the Russell 2000 both fell below it's 50-MA which is off course a sign of a weaker market. The overall market trend is under pressure and caution in taking new trades is advised. Don't try to be aggressive and better be...
Zo noem ik mijn posts. Ik schrijf ze vooral als een notitie voor mezelf. Om mijn gedachten te ordenen en helderheid te krijgen.
De meeste gaan over beleggen, triathlon of veganistisch eten. Deze posts zijn een manier om mijn zoektocht door het leven vast te leggen. Het is een soort van online dagboek van wat er in mijn gedachten rondgaat.
Ik schrijf verschillende posts. Sommige zijn wat langer en hebben meer diepgang om je een inkijkje te geven in mijn gedachtegang. Anderen zijn meer een soort braindump van wat me bezig houdt.
De rest van mijn notes.
Stocks On Watch for the Week of 14 June 2021
As we're wrapping up our current traveling with our 2 little kids I'm keeping this intro a little shorter. Last week we saw a strong market which is showing in more stocks popping up on my screeners that are setting up nicely. Below you find the setups that I find...
Stocks On Watch 07 June 2021: $HVT, $AMAT, $DKS, $KRNT, $SNV, $AFCG, $REZI, $APP, $UPST
So last week was pretty strong with a lot of stocks showing good price action. Also the indices showed more strength, regardless of the jobs report that was weaker than expected. The overall market has a little less risk and the breakouts that happen seem to be...
Stock On Watch 31 May 2021: $AMAT, $DKS, $DFH, $HONE, $SNV, $DBX, $MGY, $OVV, $DV, $RCII
Last week I saw more strength in several names from my watchlist with shows me the market is looking a little better for my strategy. Also more setups are following through carefully which might be a sign that the coming weeks can offer some nice trades. Being...
Stocks on Watch – 24 May 2021
I am seeing a little more strength showing up in the market now and then. Not to say that we're heading higher, but there are some cautious signs that we might try to do so. For me the indices are not leading, I'm mainly looking at how much stocks are showing up on my...
Stocks on Watch – 17 May 2021: $DE $SWBI $YETI $FDX $UPS $STXB $OBNK $FNKO $ELAN
The current uptrend is still under heavy pressure. The major indices are showing weakness and are having some troubles regaining key areas to confirm further strength. So for me this means trading more cautious and not being aggresive in any new trades. If I take new...
TradingView – Daily and Weekly Moving Averages on Daily Chart
For quick and clean charting I mainly use TradingView. I use multiple moving averages to see how a stock behaves and to find potential buy and sell areas. But I find it a hassle to manage 6 different indicators on my chart. Also if you are on the free plan you are...
Time for another watchlist for the coming week! Let me know if you value these updates and want to get them every week as well? In my last update I shared that I'm going to start working together with a coach to build a trading course. I'll start with that this week....
Beleggen, wat is dat eigenlijk?
Je hoort er steeds meer mensen over praten; beleggen. Maar beleggen wat is dat nou eigenlijk? De definitie die de Van Dale geeft voor beleggen is: "geld aan iets besteden waarvan je hoopt dat het in waarde zal stijgen". Nou ben ik het niet helemaal eens met het...
Personal Newsflash | On Watch: $QRVO, $SQ, $FUTU, $YETI, $FND, $APAM, $MU
Another week where the markert is still in an uptrend. I'm seeing a lot of charts forming nice patterns that look interesting for a possible trade. Besides that I notice that lot of breakouts are not able to really push much higher lately. For me it means reducing my...
Is het voor jou wel slim om te beleggen?
Als je het financiële nieuws de afgelopen maanden een beetje in de gaten hebt gehouden dan is het je misschien wel opgevallen dat de beurskoersen flink aan het stijgen zijn. En dat ondanks al het slechte nieuws in de wereld. Of misschien stiekem ook wel een beetje...
Market Uptrend Resumes And Building Related Stocks Looking Strong | On Watch: $AMAT, $QRVO, $MAS, $DHI, $W, $PHM, $SAM, $CSX
After a hard week we had a strong close into Friday which seem to have the overall market direction resume being in an uptrend. Still it's recommended to stay cautious on trades as it is still early to say if this trend will continue. Personally this means not taking...
$QFIN triggers 8-week hold rule | On Watch: $CHWY, $CRWD, $VEEV, $DOCU, $BAND, $BEKE, $TTD
So first of all a heads-up that today the market is closed due to President's Day in the US. And as George Washington famously said: "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace." And our war is the stock market! To preserve...
Is fysiek goud kopen bij GoldRepublic veilig?
Als je gaat beleggen in fysiek goud of zilver dan denk je al snel na over de veiligheid. Want een fysiek product zal ergens opgeslagen moeten worden. En die locatie zal goed beveiligd moeten zijn. Maar, naast de fysieke locatie, moet er ook duidelijk vastgelegd zijn...
What’s happening with GameStop and #Silver | On Watch: $FLWS, $DHI, $DKNG, $QFIN, $PUBM, $NIO
Let's have a quick look at the overall market since there is a lot going on. Last week I wrote a short explanation about what is happening with GameStop and the Reddit community fighting Melvin Capital Management. If you haven't yet, you can read it here. Besides the...
The Big Short part II: the GameStop Short Squeeze
If you've been following the news lately you probably saw something about RobinHood, Reddit and stock manipulation triggered all by the GameStop Short Squeeze. Currently one of the biggest fights between Wall Street and the (self-called) Retards is going on. And the...
How to actively trade around a core position | On watch: $FLWS, $DKL, $PLTR, $DHI, $LOVE
Let's look back at a few stocks from last week and see how they are trading now. And off course there are some new charts that look appealing to me that I like to share with you. At the end of this post I included a chart from Lovesac Company that I've been trading...
The Best Peter Lynch Quotes And Trading Rules
Peter Lynch is one of the most successful and well-known investors of all time. Learn how to improve your trading with the best Peter Lynch quotes. Lynch is the legendary former manager of the Magellan Fund at the major investment brokerage Fidelity. He took over the...
On Watch: $TSCO, $FLWS, $BMY, $DT, $RGEN, $APPS, $AMD,
First of all; this Monday the market is closed due to Martin Luther King day. So we will have a 4-day trading week. Always good to keep that in mind so you don't sit in front of your screen on Monday waiting for the open while nothing is going to happen. And you might...